
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner May 7, 2018. You can draw a neat, straight line. Start with the October 5, 1971, front page of the Halifax Chronicle Herald, with its photo of a beaming Premier Gerald Regan holding a tiny vial of oil supposedly sucked to the surface during offshore drilling off Nova Scotia. […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner April 30, 2018.   Really? Of course, really. Last Wednesday, five Liberal MLAs —Gordon Wilson, Suzanne Lohnes-Croft, Ben Jessome, Brendan Maguire and Hugh MacKay — voted, not with their minds, or their hearts, or their common sense, or even in the interests of the taxpayers who put […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examine on April 23, 2018. “We need to go forward, but progress isn’t always a straight line or a smooth path.” Barack Obama victory speech, November 7, 2012 How to explain our current political whipsaw? You go to sleep one night knowing 6,000 delegates to this weekend’s federal […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner April 16, 2018. Halifax’s United Way has done it again. Traditionally, the do-good organization has been best known for turning your $5.4 million in yearly giving into a gamut of good grants to an alphabet soup of good-doing local organizations — from the Adsum Association for Women & […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner April 9, 2018 “In the Matter of Complaints Against Judge Gregory Lenehan, made pursuant to the Provincial Court Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 238 …” If nothing else, last week’s decision by the review committee looking into allegations of “misogynistic reasoning,” and “gender bias” by Nova Scotia Provincial […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner on April 2, 2018. When Peter Munk died last week at the age of 90, the paeans of praise from the national media were so effusive as to seem over the top. The Globe and Mail’s3,300-word tributeappeared under the gushing headline: “The Extraordinary Life of a Business Legend, Philanthropist […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner March 26, 2018. Halifax City Council can be — even at its best of times — confusing, contradictory, confounding. Last week, council was not, even by its own modest standards, at its best. Councillors were considering again/still/always a proposal from APL, an Armoyan development company, to erect a commercial-residential […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examine March 19,2018. Stephen McNeil says “we” — and by we the premier certainly doesn’t mean thee or me — “had a healthy discussion” about how to spend a could-be $250-million windfall to the Nova Scotia treasury, thanks to a one-time recalculation of offshore royalties, thanks to a one-time arbitration […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner March 12, 2018. What is it about Tories seeking their party’s leadership and their seemingly painful need to gymnast-twist the once liberal value of freedom of speech for their own illiberal purposes? Last spring when he was running to become federal Conservative Party leader, Andrew Scheer threatened to cut […]

Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.

This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner  March 5, 2018. If you read only last week’s headlines — Appeal Court Slashes Damages Payout to Cardiologist Gabrielle Horne (Chronicle Herald); Halifax Cardiologist Sees Reduced Damages of $800K in Suit Against Health Authority: Nova Scotia Court of Appeal Rejects Appeal by Dr. Gabrielle Horne to also Sue […]