Archive: October 2018

And the story is still news. Sorry, it will be for more time than you might like. It’s what happens when you become one of the first countries in the world to admit it’s OK to smoke pot. Just sit back, relax and… This column first appeared in the Halifax Examiner on October 22, 2018. […]

Why have our police forces suddenly become the Hell’s Angels of medical cannabis, badge-toting, tough-guy enforcers of the government’s price-fixing monopoly on the pot business? This column first appeared in the Halifax Examiner October 15, 2018. On Wednesday, Oct. 17, recreational-but-fun-free cannabisfinally becomes legal in Canada. Before we go there — and we should — let us […]

What does Deloitte — the company we paid $500,000 to analyze the wisdom of P3s for new hospital infrastructure — have to say in its report. We don’t know. Why not? Because “your Liberal government,” which, since 2013, “has been dedicated to being the most open and transparent government in the country, tirelessly working to […]

How is it possible our formerly best-to-do taxpayers, who paid $33.1-billion into federal coffers in 2015 could only pony up a paltry-by-comparison $26.3-billion in 2016? What really happened? We thought you’d never ask. And what will happen as a result? Don’t ask. This  column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner October 1, 2018. Did you […]