Archive: January 2007

Journalists ignore ‘troublesome episode’ It is one of the enduring mysteries of Canadian political journalism. Why are Ottawa journalists still so incredibly, inexplicably incurious about the fact an infamous international wheeler-dealer gave Brian Mulroney $300,000 in cash from a Zurich bank account within months after he stepped down as prime minister. And why is nobody […]

Is it because he’s black? The problem with racism is it isn’t as obvious as it once was. Segregated schools and whites-only clubs were easy targets. Trying to read between the lines of a blandly bureaucratic municipal planning report that claims putting a new landfill next door to a longstanding black community is a proper […]

Fiddling over Fage II fun, but… The radio host’s question — coming as it did on a day when the premier of our province was reduced to absurdly repeating his new the-facts-are-the-facts mantra to explain away the latest inconvenient new facts that had suddenly replaced the old, no-longer-fact facts he’d been dispensing — seemed ludicrously […]

Fage I, Foley Melvin and now… Fage II The bigger mess, as is so often the case in Rodney MacDonald’s all-message-track-all-the-time government, has less to do with the initial stupidity and more — much more — to do with the premier’s inept mishandling of everything that happens afterward. That’s not to suggest the specifics of […]