Gerardo31 “[Gerardo] Hernández’s sister Isabel first learned that he had been put in the ‘hole’ … when she went for a visit at the U.S. maximum security prison in Victorville, California, July 24. She was only allowed to talk to him by phone, separated by a thick glass partition, while he was kept handcuffed… “Hernández […]
Gerardo Hernandez In a last-ditch, no-more-cards-to-play legal effort, lawyers for convicted Cuban Five spy Gerardo Hernandez this week (June 14, 2010) filed what is called a collateral appeal—or writ of habeus corpus—in Miami Federal Court claiming it has new evidence the court should have aware of before letting a jury decide the fate of the […]
Gerardo Hernandez Lawyers for Gerardo Hernandez, one of the Cubans serving time in American prisons in connection with the Cuban Five affair, will return to court in June 2010—nine years after his original conviction—to present a writ of habeas corpus, asking the judge in the case to reconsider his sentence. Three other members of the […]