This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner July 16, 2018. “We believe being in 25 communities is a big strength… I believe telling local stories in Gander, and in St. John’s, and in Corner Brook, and Summerside, and Sydney are going to be what supports this network. Not amalgamating. Not putting the same copy […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner July 9, 2018. “Border disputes do not go away; they fester. And when other factors push them back to the surface — the discovery of valuable resources, an assertion of national pride, a mishap at sea — the stakes can suddenly rise to a point where […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner July 2, 2o18. My Examiner column last week seemed to set off a modest Twitter tempest, mostly because its subject, Coun. Shawn Cleary, chose to respond to what I wrote and didn’t write (even when he didn’t seem to realize I’d written it); and then to respond in scattershot […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner June 25, 2018. “We don’t build buildings because of public opinion. We build them for good planning… And so I think this is a good thing for us… In terms of the design, I think we’ve mitigated most of the concerns…” —Councillor Shawn Cleary June 19, 2018-06-22 […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner June 18, 2018. Talk about buzz kill. At its meeting Tuesday, Halifax city councilors will consider a staff report recommending ever more stringent controls around the cultivation and consumption of cannabis to make sure no one gets the notion there is anything remotely recreational or fun — certainly, definitively not fun— […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner June 11, 2018. Start with this: a July 11, 2017, CBC news story entitled “Lack of Psychologists Delays Youth Sentencing More than 6 Months.” The story quoted Brandon Rolle, the managing lawyer at the youth office for Nova Scotia Legal Aid who pointed out that the IWK Health Centre was […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner June 4, 2018. HOUSTON: The motion is that the Public Accounts Committee meet on June 13th, June 20th, and June 27thto address these three topics of the Auditor General’s report in a timely fashion. CHAIRMAN: Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye… Contrary minded, Nay… The […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column was first published in the Halifax Examiner May 28, 2018. Last week, Halifax City Council again/still/always decided to re-re-re-write its planning bylaws on the fly for the greater good and increased profit of a private developer whose books it didn’t bother examining, let alone asking to glimpse once, maybe upside down on […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner May 22, 2018. Mount Saint Vincent University grappled this month with a complex web of issues that will feel uncomfortably familiar to academics at plenty of other Canadian universities: how to (belatedly but quickly) increase the numbers of professors from traditionally under-represented Indigenous and other marginalized communities; how […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
This column originally appeared in the Halifax Examiner May 14, 2018. Why am I not surprised? Last Monday, Halifax police dropped all charges against the 19-year-old they’d arrested less than a month before for “unauthorized use of a computer with fraudulent intent.” The fact is this case has been a cock-up from the beginning. Even before the beginning. Perhaps […]