Dramatis Personae

Percy Alvarado Godoy: Born 1949. Guatemalan-Cuban. Intelligence agent who infiltrated the Cuban American National Foundation. State Security code name: Monk; CANF code name: Agent 44.

José Basulto: Born 1940. Cuban-American. Contractor. Bay of Pigs, CIA veteran. Founder, Brothers to the Rescue.

Orlando Bosch Avíla: Born 1926. Pediatrician. CIA veteran. Co-founder of terrorist umbrella organization CORU. Acquitted alleged mastermind of 1976 bombing of Cubana Airlines Flight 455.

Francisco Antonio “Gordito” Chávez Abarca: Salvadoran gangster with links to Luis Posada. Hired mercenaries to plant bombs in Cuban hotels.

Raúl Ernesto Cruz León: Salvadoran mercenary hired to plant bombs in Cuban hotels.

Rodolfo Frómeta: Cuban exile, claims Castro killed members of his family. Key player in Alpha 66, founder of Comandos F-4.

* Fernando González: Born 1963. Cuban illegal intelligence officer assigned to Fayetteville, North Carolina. Filled in as a vacation replacement in Miami for both Gerardo Hernández and Ramón Labañino. Operated in the United States as Ruben Campa. Code names Oscar and Vicky.

* René González: Born 1956. Pilot, “defector.” Cuban intelligence agent who infiltrated Brothers to the Rescue, pund and the Democracy Movement. Code names Iselin and Castor. Married to Olga Salanueva.

* Antonio Guerrero: Born 1958. Cuban intelligence agent assigned to penetrate the Boca Chica Naval Station. Code names Lorient, Tony. American girlfriend, Maggie Becker.

Francisco “Pepe” Hernandez: Cuban-American. Bay of Pigs veteran. Co-founder of the Cuban American National Foundation.

* Gerardo Hernández: Born 1965. Illegal intelligence officer, head of La Red Avispa. Supervised, among others, René González, Tony Guerrero, Nilo and Linda Hernández and Alejandro Alonso. Operating in the United States as Manuel Viramóntez. Code names Giro, Giraldo. Married to Adriana Perez.

Ramón Labañino: Born 1963. Cuban illegal intelligence officer originally stationed in Tampa, Florida, but reassigned to Miami in 1997 to focus on the new U.S. Southern Headquarters and supervise, among others, agents Guerrero, Joseph Santos and Amarylis Silverio. Operating in the United States as Luis Medina. Code names Allan and Oso.

Jorge Mas Canosa: Born 1931. Cuban-American. Bay of Pigs, CIA veteran. Founder of the Cuban American National Foundation, the most powerful anti-Castro lobbying organization in the United States.

Luis Posada Carriles: Born 1928. Chemist. Bay of Pigs, CIA veteran, explosives expert. Co-founder of terrorist umbrella organization CORU. Alleged escaped co-mastermind of 1976 bombing of Cubana Airlines Flight 455; confessed mastermind of 1997 Havana hotel bombing campaign.

Juan Pablo Roque: Born 1955. Cuban Air Force pilot, “defector.” Cuban intelligence agent who penetrated Brothers to the Rescue. Code names German and Vedette. American wife, Ana Margarita.

Ramón Saúl Sánchez: Born 1955. Cuban-born exile. Member of Alpha 66. Founder of the Democracy Movement.


* Collectively known as The Cuban Five.