Will Justice Minister Mark Furey do right by wronged Glen Assoun, or will he join the likes of Len Pace in the crowded dark pantheon of Nova Scotia’s injustice system? Justice Minister Mark Furey is about to assume his own dishonourable place in the dark pantheon of Nova Scotia’s injustice system. He joins many unworthy […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Between Rana Zaman’s nomination as a federal NDP candidate in May and the end of June, someone dredged up a number of her impassioned social media posts, which focused on Israel and its treatment of Palestinians. The NDP almost instantly dumped her. But what had she said that was so awful? Canada’s New Democrats made […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Is Nova Scotia Canada’s most secretive jurisdiction? Or does it just act that way? Consider a few especially egregious, not-at-all-transparent episodes from just the last week. Is Nova Scotia Canada’s most secretive jurisdiction? Or does it just act that way? Consider a few especially egregious, not-at-all-transparent episodes from just the last week. Let’s start with […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
You would think — given the circumstances and the season of the sun — that government officials would do almost anything to avoid ending up naked, deer-in-the-headlights, in front of microphones where they might be asked impertinent questions about ferries that don’t ferry and related matters. You would be mistaken. No! Really? Couldn’t be. But […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Nova Scotia Transportation Minister Lloyd Hines returned from Washington last week bubbling over with optimism for a summer season — albeit much, much shorter — for the Yarmouth-Bar Harbor tourist ferry. Don’t hold your breath. But do hold on to your wallet. So Lloyd “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” Hines has returned from his airplane flight-of-fancy […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Was the government’s compensation program crafted out of a well-intentioned desire to allow victims to tell their story “without a public spectacle” that would re-victimize them? Or in a desperate attempt to keep the public from ever learning the real story behind the abuse of children in care? While pursuing something else entirely yesterday, I […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Crazy? Is it any crazier than pouring more millions of dollars into an American ferry, American docking facilities, American customs officers…? Say, here’s an idea. My idea isn’t quite the Chase-the-Ace, get-us-on-national-TV, fun-and-games scheme Tim suggested a few months back. “Simply toss 20 dollar bills from a helicopter above downtown Yarmouth,” he proposed as his […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Stephen McNeil promised us the most open and transparent government ever. He lied. Now as our information and privacy commissioner retires, the premier’s wannabe replacements will talk a good game. Should we believe them? I have no reason to doubt Catherine Tully when she told the subscriber-based business website allnovascotia.com last week she would have […]
Stephen Kimber’s freelance journalism appears in local, regional, national and international publications.
Last week’s “mutual” firing of the province’s deputy health minister shows just how unwilling our premier is to acknowledge our healthcare crisis — let alone do something about it. Last week, when Premier Stephen McNeil “mutually” agreed to fire Denise Perret — the deputy minister of health he’d hired just two-and-a-half years ago — he […]